We're a little old fashioned!
We prefer to give advice or take orders via phone where instant feedback is available.

Freezer Orders
- $7.15 LB
1] Hind Quarter
Round Steak & Roast | Sirloin Steak and Roast | Rump Roast | T-Bone Steak | Wing Steak | Poterhouse Steak | Ground Beef | Soup Bones | Approximately 160 LBS. - Our most popular freezer order.
- $5.60 / LB
2] Front Quarter
Prime Rib | Blade | Cross-Cut | Short-Rib Roast | Stew Beef & Ground Beef | Soup Bones | Approximately 170 LBS.
- $6.55 / LB
3] Side Of Beef
Hind Quarter and Front Quarter | Approx. 330 lbs.
- $13.99 /LB
4] Rib Of Beef
For you STEAK LOVERS! Approx 22 lbs, Approx 15-20 steaks. Includes cutting and wrapping.
- $4.99 /LB
5] Loin of Pork
Pork Chops | Approximately 15 - 20 lbs. (Bone In or Boneless)
Custom Packages Available
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